Solar Hydrogen Trainer
The Solar Hydrogen Trainer is a 400 Wp off-grid photovoltaic system combined with an electrolyzer. It produces hydrogen from clean solar power and can be combined with the Fuel Cell Trainer or Nexa® Training System to a microlab.
The system enables complete balancing of the solar hydrogen generation. Performance and generation data of the PV modules, power electronics, battery and electrolyzer are displayed in the included software and can be logged for exporting. Energy flows between the individual components are clearly visualized. Mobile solar modules with an adjustable angle of inclination and optional solar sensors allow for in depth experiments on solar power generation.
Key Features
- Basics of solar photovoltaic power generation
- Functional principle of an off-grid solar system
- Efficiency analysis of solar hydrogen production
- Dimensioning of a solar hydrogen system
- Focus on power to gas training
Sample experiments
- Optimal alignment of solar module
- Determining the efficiency of the electrolyzer
- Behavior of solar modules
The supplementary material facilitates use of the system.
- Detailed operating manual
- Science book on hydrogen
- Experiment Guide with:
- Graphic display of experiment set-ups
- Worksheets with questions and tasks Solutions
- CD-ROM with printable experiment sheets (PDF files)
Sample experiments
- Optimal alignment of solar module
- Determining the efficiency of the electrolyzer
- Behavior of solar modules
The software is used to visualize data and control the system. Measurements at the system and component level are displayed and can easily be retrieved and exported for further processing. Also, the limit values for the battery regulation can be defined.
Efficiency Analysis
- Overall system output balancing
- System efficiency chain (Sankey diagram)
System overview
- Flow chart view
- Voltage and current display for individual components
Time Curve
- Graphic visualization of the measurements
- Freely configurable measurements
The Solar Hydrogen Trainer is a modular system. Connecting cables and quick-release couplings allow easy set-up and take-down.
Solar Modules Unit
- 2 x 200 Wp polycrystalline solar module
- Adjustable angle of inclination
Optional: PV Sensor Kit
- Temperature sensors
- Irradiation sensors
- Compass for module alignment
System Technology Unit
- Suitable for loads up to 700 W
- Ethernet port for PC control and network connection
- Includes power electronics, measuring technology and batteries
- Optimized for the supply of the electrolyzer
Hydrogen Generator
- Production capacity of 30 or 60 sl/h
- Suitable for continuous operation
- Interface for PC control
Realistic Application of Hybrid System
Range Extender
- Planning of system switching
- Range calculation of the overall system
Autonomous Power Supply
- System runs disconnected from the grid so it must be dimensioned to operate autonomously at all times
- Starts from internal energy supply
Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- The system design allows for the same configurations found in typical
- Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles (FCEV)
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
- In UPS mode, the system provides continuous power in case of grid failure to ensure continuous power
- Automatic switching between battery & fuel cell operation